Siding Calculator iPhone app is now available in App Store for $19.99 – just search for “siding calculator” or click the button on the right.
This app is perfect for contractors running several quotes per week! Estimators can pre-set all the material and labor costs, and get a detailed quote for most jobs in less than 1 minute!
You can have several siding material presets (such as Vinyl, Hardie, Wood, etc) with prices for all accessories and trim. Same goes for labor costs – each type of extra work is itemized, and can be added or subtracted from your estimate!
*Android version of Siding Calculator App is in the works, and will be available in Google Play soon.
Here is how Siding Calculator App Works:
Android version of Siding Calculator is in active development and is coming to Android Market soon!
We wanted to announce that we are currently developing a Siding Calculator App for iPhone and Android platforms. This app will be similar to the free Siding Calculator tool on our website, but will offer a much wider choice of settings and option as far as siding prices and house details.
Siding Calculator app is aimed at siding contractors and salesmen, and will dramatically improve your siding estimating process, provide a full list of siding materials and cost for all materials and accessories. This will simplify ordering of materials as well as help you provide your customers with near-instant siding price quote, and close more jobs as a result.
Siding Calculator development is in full swing, and we will be releasing the iPhone version of the app in early to mid August 2011, followed by Android version in the end of August.
How siding calculator app will improve your sales:
- Think about the human factor. People are impatient and often spontaneous, and want everything NOW.
- If the homeowners like you as a person / salesman and think you are knowledgeable in what you do, and you have answered all their siding questions, they are most likely going to choose you as their siding contractor.
- If they don’t like you – chances are, they will not work with you anyway, even if you give them best price.
- Now it is on you to give them fast siding price fast, because if you wait too long, they will choose someone else!
- This is where our Siding Calculator app will help you close more siding jobs, by giving you VERY precise siding price, base on your installation prices, overhead / profit, and siding materials prices.
Basically our Siding Calculator will greatly simplify, optimize and improve one of the most difficult aspects of construction business – selling the jobs!
Siding Calculator app features:
Siding calculator will estimate installation prices for your siding project, and will break everything down for you into Labor price (including profit / overhead), Materials Cost, and total Siding Prices.
In the calculator, you can adjust the following parameters:
- House Dimensions
- Number of floors
- Roof Type / roof pitch *
- Number of floors **
- Difficulty setting ***
- Insulation Thickness
- Siding Tear-off
- Number of Window Wraps
- Number of Door Wraps
- Number of Bay Window Wraps
- Fascia Installation
- Soffit Installation
- Soffit Width
* Roof Type and Roof Pitch settings are included to determine how much material you will need to install on the gables of the house and how many gables there are, and roof pitch setting determines how much waste there will be.
** We included number of floors setting, because it is more difficult to install siding on a three-decker home vs. a ranch house. You need to use longer ladders, staging, etc to get to 2nd and 3rd floors, whereas all you need for a ranch house is a few 10 – 12 foot step ladders.
*** Not all homes are easy, and while one can be just a rectangle with a bunch of windows and a door or two, another one can have crown moldings, rounded fascia boards, old-style bay windows, round or semi-round windows, and other really cut-up features that will really slow down the work process, for which you need to be adequately compensated. By choosing appropriate difficulty level, your price will correctly reflect the actual labor costs.
How Siding Calculator app works:
The process is pretty straight forward for you. Once you install the app on your phone or tablet computer (iPad or Android tablet, with BlackBerry app availability later in the summer or fall of 2011), you will need to go through the siding materials settings, and adjust siding prices to what your supplier is charging you. By default we include two types of siding materials – vinyl siding and fiber-cement siding, but you can add infinite number of other materials, such as premium vinyl siding, aluminum, cedar siding, etc.
Once you adjust your siding prices, go into general settings, and set your costs for thing like window wraps, siding tear-off, additional charge for 2 or 3 story homes, door and bay-window wraps, soffit and fascia installation cost, waste factor, etc.
Now you are ready to calculate siding prices and give your customers a firm price! Enter house dimensions into calculator, choose type of the house, height, tear off options, number of windows and door wraps (copping with aluminum flat stock), and click Calculate button.
Siding Calculator algorithm will automatically calculate your labor cost, siding materials cost, and the total siding price. Note – your profit and overhead is built into labor cost, which you set up in siding materials setting, for each type of material. It’s done this way, because it costs a lot more and take more time to install cedar siding, compared to vinyl siding.
Other construction calculator apps that you might like:
Since most siding contractors also install roofing and windows (we do it as well), we also created a similar app for roofing contractors – Roofing Calculator App that is already available for iPhone and Android platforms (you can get one by searching for “roofing calculator” on App Store or Android Market), and costs $19.99.
In the future we are planning to release Windows Calculator, as well as a couple of other construction calculator apps and tools – concrete calculator, flooring calculator, framing calculator, etc.